Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Another Week

Wow...I have been in houston/sugarland/richmond for 6 months now. Time goes by fast.
This week Richard (high school pastor) and i are trading spots. I am teaching in high school hour and I am excited about it. They are in a series called "Exploring God Myths" it has been fun preparing for this message. I will be talking about how God didn't promise us consistency but constancy. I have spent the morning at a local coffee shop it has been a good change. I wish I could office here.
I think there is one thing that we as Christian and leaders of the church we sometimes forget about and that person is the one that doesn't know Jesus. For me I think that I have got so comfortable in my little world and haven't reached out to the lost. I don't know if it's scary or what. As I finished the book "I sold my soul on ebay" I have been trying to understand what am I doing about the lost person down the street or right next door and hear me out I am not saying that you have to be "super Christian"and see how many people you bring to church but what if you started with a relationship with them and then went from there. I guess I am done talking about that.
I have changed gears in my reading and now I am reading a book "speaking to teenagers" by Doug Fields. I always need a little help with my speaking from a pro. I am also reading a book with my intern called "girls ministry 101" it's not very good.
We only have 2 more games of my football season. We are 3-5 thats not good. It has been a blast building relationship with the young man on the team. I will miss it. That is it for now.


Unknown said...

I heart you! It is good to hear how things are going. Thanks for the posts and I will try to do a better job of commenting.

I am thinking of starting a blog myself. Will you read and comment on it for me if I do?

Unknown said...

Hey checkout out

This is Craig's blog and there are some good thoughts and advice about blogging. Thought you might like it.