Friday, February 29, 2008

First Wedding under the belt!

I made it though my first wedding. I did my first wedding in Oklahoma and it was an exciting time. i enjoyed it! Brook and Kara Kae, two of my friends from college got married tonight and i performed it. I am looking for ward to getting back to Houston!!!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Relational Ministry (part 2)

I think that when it comes to relational ministry you have to have some follow-up work and then some contact work! Once you contact them and have captured there information you must do something with it.
  • Once a week pick a day where you can take some kids out to do something. I normally pick a kid that is connected to the ministry, a person that hasn't been to our ministry in 3 weeks and a first time guest.
  • If you can get into school visit schools. I try to visit at least 2 schools a week. It shows kids that you care and it cool to be in there turf.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Relational Ministry (part 1)

I think that a number of churches would say that they do relational ministry but really its geared to the program. In our ministry, we do relational ministry. Kids are going to remember a relationship more then they a HUGE program.
I think the first thing that you need to do is Follow-up work! Every week we do 3 things.
I personally write handwritten note to each 1st time visitor and that is followed by a phone from myself or someone on my staff.
Relational ministry is important. I will talk about 2 more parts!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Arrived in Oklahoma

It has been a long day. I arrived in Oklahoma this evening around 7:45 after my fight was delayed 1 hour. Oklahoma is really cold its about 32 degree. Tonight, I spoke at Overflow to about 1500 college students. It an organization that is run by students from the Oklahoma State. I spoke about "Never Giving it" I enjoyed it. I will be here until Saturday morning because I get to do my first wedding. I am looking forward to it.

Monday, February 25, 2008

U.S. adults abandon religion

check this out

This is pretty interesting!

Weekly Recap!!

We had a long but great weekend. Friday night, we had an event at the church called "MS Chaos"
it was a blast. Sunday, we finished up our series called SexRated talking about Purity.

Attendance was above average!
Volunteers was average!

Fun Factor was average!

Message was average!
Music was above average!

I think that we had a great weekend and a good sex series. I am looking forward to out new series called "POSER" figuring out who you really are.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Don Piper has a great story!

Last friday night, I went and hear an author of the book called "90 minutes in heaven." He has a great story. I have to be honest when I wanted to hear a little more about heaven but he talked about what we need to do here on earth. He talked about the gates of heaven and the people that were there and basically people that have made an impact in his life. It made me think what I am I doing to help people, serve them and impact there life.
Who's gates will you be at? What kind of impact have you made on the people around you? I think that it something to think about.

I have never read the book but I am sure that its good

Monday, February 18, 2008

A new book!!!

I just picked up this book and i can't put it down. This book basically
talk about the new microtrends. Using some of the best data available,
the author identifies more than 70 microtrends in family life, work, race,
the list goes on.
I personally think that if we look closer at this book it
could change the way that we do ministry. The subtitle says
the small forces behind tomorrow's big changes.


We just finished week 3 of SexRated and we have one more week to go. This week we did it a little different, we had Q&A time but in small groups the whole time. We have one more week left for this series and we will put it all together with "purity"

Attendance was average!
Volunteers was awesome(high above average)!
Fun Factor was below average!
Message was in small groups!

Overall, we had a great weekend. We only have one more week left of this series and the we will move on to a series called POSER.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Random movie!!!

I am sometimes bored at night time so I signed up for netflix. Last night, I watched a movie called The bridge
This movie was very interesting documentary about The Golden Gate Bridge. Interviews with family, friends and eyewitnesses, the film reveals a common thread of depression, despair and chronic mental illness. This documentary further reinforces the landmark's iconic legacy as the world's most popular suicide destination.
I think that reason that it was so interesting to me is because I speaking to a group of college students in Oklahoma at the end of month about " Never Quitting" Looking at the ages of alot of the people were 18-24
I often wonder what if someone would have shared that God has a plan for there life and God love for them.
Check the film!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Making vision stick!!(Part 2)

I think that casting vision is important for students, volunteers, and parents in my case. I think the making vision stick is the hard part. In this book, Andy talks about 5 things that you can do to increase the adhesiveness of your vision:

  1. State the vision simply- basically it needs to be memorable
  2. Cast the vision convincingly
  3. Repeat the vision- share your vision 3-4 times a year
  4. celebrate the vision systematically
  5. Embrace the vision
Making vision stick is important. Build it and people will come!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Making vision stick!!

I just picked up this book because I enjoy Andy Stanley writing...Its a quick read only 72 pages! There are some different comments on the responsibilities as a leader. Also, it talks about a few different ways to focus when casting vision, and how to lead creativity to make vision stick. Great read check it out!

Monday, February 11, 2008


I just want to recap of the weekend. We just finished our week 2 of our SexRated series. This week Laura and I did a little team teaching. We talked about society images of sex.
  • Fun factor was below average!
  • Message was average!
  • Attendance was above average!
  • Volunteers was above average!
We only have 2 weeks left in this series. This week we will be a Q&A session in small groups. We had a good weekend!!

Friday, February 8, 2008

RISK (part 3)

Here is a mind-boggling collection of risk:
  • Alcohol is implication in 44% of all accidental death
  • The risk that a bridge, during its lifetime will collapse is one in a million. The lifetime risk that you will be on a collapsing bridge is 1 in 4million.
  • You are 400% more likely to die falling than from something falling on you.
  • 1 in 5000 people die from billiards yearly
  • Every year 8000 are injured by a musical instrument.
Everything that you do is a risk.
Faith, by definition is a risk.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

RISK (part 2)

I think about risk everyday. I understand that risk is kinda a big deal and what I have started to understand is there are a few questions that need to be asked about risk. Ben calls it the Best/Worst Analysis formula:
  • What is the best thing that can happen if I do this?
  • What is the worst thing that can happen if I do this?
  • What is the best thing that can happen if I don't do this?
  • What is the worst thing that can happen if I don't do this?
I know you are thinking that is a alot of work as you are shaking your head. You should try it out and who know that could help you.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


I just finished reading a "Take the risk" by Ben Carson. I enjoyed it a lot! I learned that basically everything that you do in life requires some sort of risk. I mean everything from getting ready in the morning to having a cookout all have some risk! In our generation, we have insulate for safety. Here are a few random things that you would never guess are risky:
  • Your risk of being injuired by a malfunctioning TV this is 1 in 7000
  • 28000 people are treated at trauma centers every year for handling or swallowing cash?
  • your chances of being seriously injured by Christmas decorations are 1 in 65000
It makes you wonder does this come. I guess my point is that you can't avoid risk because its everywhere. By avoiding risk, are you also avoiding the full potential of your life?

This is something to think about....

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Its the recap!!

We have a good Sunday Morning service. Its crazy but it seems that Middle Schoolers
want to hear about sex. This Sunday we talked about the truth about sex and a few lies about sex.

Attendance was above average!

Volunteers was average!
Message was average!
Fun Factor was average

This was my first sex talk ever. I have always been a little scared to talk about the subject. It turned out to be good and a number of parents came in and listened to the talk. What a great partnership with parents!

Friday, February 1, 2008

starting a sex series!!

We are starting a 4 week series this week. This week we are talking about what God says about sex and what the bible says about sex.